Today is European Researchers’ Night!
This year, our team members have prepared a day packed full of events in different Spanish cities.

To kick off the morning, Ana Chapman and Marta Martínez-López have delivered the talk “Ser posthumano sin perder la humanidad” to a full house in Granada.

Back in Zaragoza, our predoctoral researcher María Abizanda-Cardona has taken part of the Speed dating event in Caixaforum.

Additionally, our predoctoral researcher Laura García Soria delivered the talk “¿Qué significa ser posthumano… (y por qué no tienes que alarmarte)?”.

Back to Sevilla, Ana Chapman also participated in the speed dating event, chatting about our research with the public.

To close off this very busy day with a pinch of humor, Miriam Fernández-Santiago delivered the monologue “Eres Posthumano/a y lo sabes”.

And that’s a wrap on this year’s events for European Researchers’ Night! It’s been a pleasure to chat with the public and share our research in Zaragoza, Granada and Sevilla.
See you again next year!