New publications alert!
Check out our team members’ contributions to the latest issue of the Journal of English Studies.

Francisco Collado Rodríguez writes about Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Adjustment Day in “Echoes from ‘Fight Club’: Categorical Thinking, Narrative Strategies, and Political Radicalism in Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Adjustment Day‘”.
Esther Muñoz González discusses Margaret Atwood’s work in “Discussing the Feminist Agenda in Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Novels: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘MaddAddam‘.
And last but not least, don’t miss Carmen Laguarta-Bueno’s work on mind uploading in “Mark McClelland’s ‘Upload’ (2012): The Perils of Leaving Biology behind to Achieve Virtual Immortality“.