Publication volume Innovación docente e investigación en arte y humanidades: desafíos de la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior

New publications alert!

The volume Innovación docente e investigación en arte y humanidades: desafíos de la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior is now out, with several contributions by our team members!

All our team members’ contributions tackle educational innovation from the perspective of critical posthumanism and digital technologies.

Our co-PI Sonia Baelo-Allué tackles the teaching of literature from a posthumanist pedagogy in the chapter “La enseñanza de la literatura norteamericana contemporánea desde una perspectiva posthumana: Una propuesta didáctica”.

Miriam Fernández-Santiago puts forward another didactic proposal for the literature classroom in the chapter “El alumnado posthumano frente al replicante digital: Uso del Chat GPT en la enseñanza de ensayos en educación superior”.

Rubén Peinado-Abarrio presents an activity proposal centered on creative writing in the chapter “Taller de escritura creativa electrónica como actividad extraescolar para el Grado en Estudios Ingleses”.

Ana Chapman explores virtual student exchanges from a posthumanist perspectives in the chapter “La Descorporealización Posthumana en Actividades Colaborativas en Intercambios Virtuales en la Enseñanza Universitaria”.

Our predoctoral student Laura Larrodera-Árcega explores the use of the epistolar genre in the literature classroom in “Creando redes posthumanas y espacios de vulnerabilidad a través de lo epistolar en el aula de literatura”.

Our predoctoral researcher María Abizanda-Cardona articulates a posthumanist approach to 21st century skills in the chapter “Una aproximación a las habilidades del siglo XXI en el aula EFL desde la pedagogía posthumanista”.

Acess the volume for free here!

Publication special issue “Recent Reflections on the Posthuman Condition in American Literature and Culture”

New publications alert! The special issue “Recent Reflections on the Posthuman Condition in American Literature and Culture” has just been published by the European Journal of American Culture with several contributions by our team members. All in open access!

Our co-PI Sonia Baelo-Allué contributes the article “The posthuman trauma novel: Reconfiguring subjectivity in Patricia Lockwood’s No One Is Talking about This (2021)”. Check it out here!

Our co-IP Mónica Calvo-Pascual contributes the article “Ethico-onto-epistem-ology and traumatic memories in Rivers Solomon’s The Deep and Sorrowland”. Access it here!

Our predoctoral student María Abizanda-Cardona presents part of her thesis research in the article “Beyond SF: Reading the posthuman in crime fiction”. Take a look here!

Plus, the special issue is introduced by our team members Esther Muñoz-González, María Ferrández-San Miguel and Carmen Laguarta-Bueno, who’ve done a fantastic job at putting together the volume. Check it out here.

Definitely an interesting publication for researchers interested in critical posthumanism in literature.

Publication Journal of English Studies vol. 20

New publications alert!

Check out our team members’ contributions to the latest issue of the Journal of English Studies.

Francisco Collado Rodríguez writes about Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Adjustment Day in “Echoes from ‘Fight Club’: Categorical Thinking, Narrative Strategies, and Political Radicalism in Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Adjustment Day‘”.

Esther Muñoz González discusses Margaret Atwood’s work in “Discussing the Feminist Agenda in Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Novels: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and ‘MaddAddam‘.

And last but not least, don’t miss Carmen Laguarta-Bueno’s work on mind uploading in “Mark McClelland’s ‘Upload’ (2012): The Perils of Leaving Biology behind to Achieve Virtual Immortality“.

Publication of Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature

The edited volume Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature has just been published by Routledge. Co-edited by our team member Miriam Fernández-Santiago, it includes contributions by Francisco Collado-Rodríguez, Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual (“Vulnerability and Risk in Larissa Lai’s Critical Dystopias”), among others.

The Introduction and the chapters by Sonia Baelo-Allué (“Technological vulnerability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”), Francisco Collado-Rodríguez (“When Immortality Becomes a Burden”), and Mónica Calvo-Pascual (“Vulnerability and Risk in Larissa Lai’s Critical Dystopias”) are available open access here. Read also the abstract and see the full table of contents.