Conference Recent approaches to the posthuman

The 18th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English “Recent approaches to the posthuman: Cultural reflections on the (post-)human condition” took place at the University of Zaragoza between the 15 and the 17th of May.

Several of our team members have contributed to the conference.

After an amazing plenary by Dr. Sherryl Vint, the first day’s sessions kicked off with the panel “Challenges to the posthuman”

Our team member Francisco Collado-Rodríguez has delivered the paper “The Extension Devours its Maker: McLuhan, the AI’s Wants and the Cyborg -Zombie”.

After lunch, our team member María Abizanda-Cardona shared the starting point of her doctoral research in the paper “Beyond SF: Reading the Posthuman in Crime Fiction”, as part of the session “Posthumanism and genre”.

And to close today’s sessions, our team member Laura Larrodera Arcega presented the paper “Indenture Rights for All: Challenging the Human Status Quo in Annalee Newitz’s Autonomous”. Off to the wine reception!

To start day 2, our co-IP Mónica Calvo-Pascual has delivered the paper “Ethico-onto-epistem-ology and Embodied Memories in Rivers Solomon’s Fiction” in a session revolving around African and Indigenous posthumanism.

Later, our team member Miriam Fernández-Santiago has delivered an engrossing plenary lecture titled “Phenomenal”.

To kick off day 3’s sessions, two of our team members have taken part of the panel “Trauma, memory and the posthuman”. First, Rubén Peinado-Abarrio has delivered the paper “Nomadic Memory in Aleksandar Hemon’s My Parents: An Introduction / This Does not Belong to You”.

Then, our co-PI Sonia Baelo-Allué has discussed the work of Patricia Lockwood in the paper “When Trauma and Posthumanism Meet: Patricia Lockwood’s No One Is Talking About This”.

And that’s a wrap to our conference! We’d like to send the biggest shout-out to our amazing conference organizers María Ferrández-San Miguel, Carmen Laguarta -Bueno and Esther Muñoz-González for their tireless work. And, finally, the biggest thank you goes to all of the speakers for their engrossing contributions, especially to our wonderful plenary speakers. We hope that you’ve enjoyed Zaragoza, and that we’ll meet again soon!

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