Articles and book chapters


Bennett-Ortega, Lucía. “Vulnerability and Shame in the Writing of the Female Body: Emilie Pine’s Notes to Self.” Alicante Journal of English Studies, vol. 42, 2025, pp. 95-112.


Abizanda-Cardona, María. “Queering the Vietnam Trauma Narrative in Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous.” ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies, no. 45, Oct. 2024, pp. 217-240.

Abizanda-Cardona, María. “Beyond SF: Reading the Posthuman in Crime Fiction.” Recent Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition in American Literature and Culture. Eds. María Ferrández-Sanmiguel, Esther Muñoz-González and Carmen Laguarta-Bueno. Special issue of European Journal of American Culture, no. 43:3, 2024, pp. 287–303.

Abizanda-Cardona, María. “A Gilded Awakening: Othering the New Woman Narrative in Anzia Yezierska’s Short Fiction.” Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, no. 30, Oct. 2024, pp. 205–224.

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Pandemic as Gateway to the Posthuman in the Digital Novel The Silent History.” University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 93, no. 4, 2024, pp. 653-615. (2024). ISSN: 0042-0247 e-ISSN: 1712-5278.

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Posthuman Trauma Novel: Reconfiguring Subjectivity in Patricia Lockwood’s No One is Talking About This (2021).” European Journal of American Culture, vol. 43, no. 3, 2024, pp. 219-238. ISSN: 1466-0407.

Bennett-Ortega, Lucía. “Examining the Refugee Identity and the Ethics of Hospitality in Richard Powers’ Generosity (2009).” English Studies, vol. 105, n. 6, 2024, pp. 879–901.

Calvo-Pacual, Mónica. “Ethico-onto-epistem-ology and traumatic memories in Rivers Solomon’s The Deep and Sorrowland.” Recent Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition in American Literature and Culture. Eds. María Ferrández-Sanmiguel, Esther Muñoz-González and Carmen Laguarta-Bueno. Special issue of European Journal of American Culture, no. 43:3, 2024, pp. 239–256.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Attention to What? The Poetics, Ethics and Attentional Economies in Dave Eggers’s The Parade.” Jean-Michel Ganteau and Susana Onega, eds. The Ethics of (In-)Attention in Contemporary Anglophone Narrative. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature. London and New York: Routledge, 2024, pp. 39-57. ISBN: 9781032733128.

Ferrández-Sanmiguel, María. “Mourning the Human? Posthuman Death and Ontological Vulnerability in Jeff VanderMeer’s The Southern Reach Trilogy.” International Journal of English Studies, vol. 24, no. 2, 2024, pp. 195-216. (Available here). 

Laguarta-Bueno, Carmen. “Surveillance Capitalism and the Normalization of Digital Surveillance: An Analysis of Dave Eggers’s The Every (2021).” Utopian Studies, vol. 35, no. 2-3, 2024, pp. 439-460.

Muñoz-González, Esther. “A Posthuman Gothic Tale: Kelly Link’s “Two Houses”. International Journal of English Studies, vol.  24, no. 1, 2024, pp. 209–222.


Chapman, Ana. “Vulnerability through the Invulnerable Transhuman Lens: Ethics and Disruption of Emotional Connections and Mental Affections in Maniac.” Embodied VulnerAbilities in Literature and Film, edited by Gámez Fernández, Cristina and Miriam Fernández Santiago. Routledge, 2023, pp.122-137.

Chapman, Ana. “Am I paranoid enough?”: Conceptualising and Categorizing the Mentally (Dis)Abled in Maniac and Infinite Jest.Las Muchas Caras de la Literatura: Conexiones entre la Literatura y Otras Artes y Ciencias, edited by Javier Martín Párraga, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2023. pp. 234-244. ISBN: 9788419376503.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “When Immortality Becomes a Burden: Transhuman Vulnerability and Self-Consciousness in William Gobson’s Neuromancer (1984).” Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature, edited by Miriam Fernández-Santiago and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Routledge, 2023, pp. 150-165. ISBN: 9781032130323. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam (with Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández). “Introduction. An Ecology of Vulnerability.” Embodied VulnerAbilities in Literature and Film, edited by Gámez-Fernández, Cristina M. and Miriam Fernández-Santiago, Routledge, 2023, pp. 1-16. ISBN: 9781032268446. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Striving for Attention: Furthering a Comparative Reading of Robert Browning and Edgar Allan Poe.” Miscelánea, vol. 67, 2023, pp. 91-110. ISSN: 1137-6368 e-ISSN: 2386-4834. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam (with Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández). “Introduction. Current Literary Representations of Vulnerability. Ethical and Aesthetic Concerns.” Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature, edited by Miriam Fernández Santiago and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Routledge, 2023, pp. 1-16. ISBN: 978-1-032-13031-6. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Pretty Dolls Don’t Play Dice. The Calculated Vulnerabilities of Jennifer Egan’s Manhattan Beach (2017).”Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature,  edited by Miriam Fernández Santiago and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Routledge, 2023, pp. 62-76. ISBN: 978-1-032-13031-6. (Available here).


Abizanda Cardona, María. “Narrating the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Transhumanism and Critical Posthumanism in Catherine Lacey’s The Answers.” Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos 26, 2022, pp. (Available here).

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “Posthumanism and Trauma.” Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, edited by Stefan Herbrechter, Ivan Callus, Manuela Rossini, Marija Grech, Megen de Bruin-Molé, and Christopher John Müller. Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, pp. 1119-1138. ISBN: 9783031049576.

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “Technological Vulnerability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Don DeLillo’s The Silence (2020).” Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature, edited by Miriam Fernández-Santiago and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Routledge, 2022, pp. 135-149. ISBN: 9781032130323. (Available here).

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Vulnerability and Risk in Larissa Lai’s Critical Dystopias.” Representing Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Literature, edited by Miriam Fernández-Santiago and Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, Routledge, 2022, pp. 166-180. ISBN: 9781032130323. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “A Satiric Quest for Knowledge: Kurt Vonnegut’s Legacy (1922-2007)”. Nexus 2022.02, pp. 24-33. ISSN: 1697 4646.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “The Waste Land and the Release of Social Energy: An Eliotean Reading of Thomas Pynchon’s Fiction”. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 85, 2022, pp. 167–82. ISSN: e-2530-8335. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Echoes from Fight Club: Categorical Thinking, Narrative Strategies, and Political Radicalism in Chuck Palahniuk’s Adjustment Day”. Journal of English Studies, vol. 20, 2022, pp. 3–23. ISSN: 15766357. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Orfeo: A Posthuman Modern Prometheus. Uncommon Powers of Musical Imagination.” Anglia, vol. 140, no. 3-4, 2022, pp. 591-606. ISSN: 1865-8938, 0340-5222.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Female Ageing and Technological Reproduction. Feminist Transhuman Embodiments in Jasper Fforde’s The Woman Who Died A Lot.” Technologies of Feminist Speculative Fiction, edited by Sherryl Vint and Sümeyra Buran, Palgrave, 2022, pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-96194-7.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Towards an Ethics of Affinity: Posthumanism and the Question of the Animal in Two SF Narratives of Catastrophe.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, vol. 64, no. 5, 2022, pp. 749-762. ISSN: 0011-1619, 1939-9138. (Available here).

Laguarta-Bueno, Carmen. “Mark McClelland’s Upload (2012): The Perils of Leaving Biology Behind to Achieve Virtual Immortality.” Journal of English Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, 2022, pp. 161-178. ISSN: 1576-6357. (Available here).

Laguarta-Bueno, Carmen. “Richard Powers’s Generosity: An Enhancement (2009): Transhumanism, Metafiction, and the Ethics of Increasing Human Happiness Levels through Biotechnology.” Atlantis, vol. 44, no. 2, 2022, pp. 222-238. ISSN: (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “Discussing the Feminist Agenda in Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Novels: The Handmaid’s Tale and MaddAddam.” Journal of English Studies vol. 20, 2022, pp. 179-196. ISSN: 1576-6357. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “’Fragmented and Bewildering:’ The New Risk Society in Jenny Offill’s Weather.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 26, 2022. ISSN: 1133-309-X. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Disappropriation and Composting in Valeria Luiselli’s Lost Children Archive.” Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 30, 2022, pp. 101-109. ISSN: 2386-3935. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “‘A Geography of the Soul’: The Displaced and the City in the Work of Aleksandar Hemon.” Literature Compass, vol. 19, no. 12, 2022. ISSN: 1741-4113. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia and Mónica Calvo-Pascual. “(Trans/Post)Humanity and Representation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Anthropocene.” Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative, edited by Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, Routledge, 2021, pp. 1–19. ISBN: 9780367655136. (Available here).

Baelo-Allué, Sonia and Mónica Calvo-Pascual. “Conclusion: Towards a Post-Pandemic, (Post)Human World.” Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative, edited by Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, Routledge, 2021, pp. 224–227. ISBN: 9780367655136.

Calvo-Pascual, Mónica. “The Tiger Flu: A Critical Posthumanist Response to the Illusion of Transhumanism.” Revista Hélice, vol. 7, no. 1,  2021, pp. 99–110. ISSN: 1887-2905. (Available here).

Chapman, Ana (with Silvia Chapman and Stephanie Cosentino).  “Bodies in the Novel Infinite Jest”. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, 2021.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Patterns of Posthuman Numbness in Shirley & Gibson’s ‘The Belonging Kind’ and Egger’s The Circle.” Posthumanism and Transhumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative, edited by Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, Routledge, 2021, pp. ISBN: 9780367757496. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “The Female, the Intertextual, and the Transhuman in William Gibson’s Molly Millions.” Hélice: Critical Thinking on Speculative Fiction, Issue 30, vol. 7.1, 2021, pp. 23–36. ISSN: 1887-2905. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam and Ana Chapman. “Post-postmodernist Aesthetics of Irrelevance: Textual Disability as Narrative Prosthesis (The Lin/Wallace Connection).” Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2021. ISSN:

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Posthumanist Trauma: An Intrasectional Approach to Accountable Determinacy in Current North American Narrative.” Journal of English Studies, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 73-95. ISSN: 1576-6357. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Accountable Metaphors. Transhuman Poetics of Failure in Tao Lin’s Taipei.” Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, vol. 43, no. 1, 2021, pp. 20-38. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Agential Materialism and the Feminist Paradigm. A Posthumanist Approach.” Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies, vol. 10, 2021, pp. 31-40. ISSN: 2444-1198. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Vulnerable: Intersecting Disability and Precarity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Case of Mr. Robot (2015-2019).” Discourse, Dialogue and Characterisation in TV Series, edited by Carmen Gregori-Signes, Miguel Fúster Márques and Sergio Maruenda-Bataller, Granada: Comares, 2021. ISBN: 978-84-1369-294-4.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Split. A Dystopian Vision of Transhuman Enhancement. Speciesist and Political Issues Intersecting Trauma and Disability.” Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative, edited by Sonia Baelo and Mónica Calvo, Routledge, 2021, pp. ISBN: 9780367655136.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Resilient Cyborgs: Trauma and the Posthuman in Pat Cadigan’s Synners (1991).” Extrapolation, vol. 62, no. 3, 2021, pp. 247-268. ISSN: 0014-5483.

Laguarta-Bueno, Carmen. “Don DeLillo’s Zero K (2016). Transhumanism, Trauma, and the Ethics of Premature Cryopreservation.” Posthumanism and Transhumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative. , edited by Sonia Baelo and Mónica Calvo, Routledge, 2021, pp. 126-141. ISBN: 9780367655136.

Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Anthropocene, Cli-Fi and Food: Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam.” Atlantis Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies vol. 43-1, 2021, pp. 39-54. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “Posthuman Cure: Biological and Cultural Motherhood in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam.” Transhumanism and Posthumanism in TwentyFirst Century Narrative, edited by Sonia Baelo-Allué and Monica Calvo-Pascual, Routledge, 2021, pp. 194-209. ISBN 978-0-367-65513- 6.

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Slavery as National Trauma in Richard Ford’s ‘Everything Could Be Worse.’” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 25, 2021, pp. 185-204. ISSN: 1133-309-X. (Available here).


Chapman, Ana. “Jaded Selves and Body Distance: A Case Study of Cotard’s Syndrome in Infinite Jest.” Journal of English Studies, vol. 18, 2020, pp. 37-58. ISSN: 1576-6357.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Narratives of the Rocket: Chabon’s ‘Amnesiac’ Revisitation of Pynchon’s Posthuman Zone.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, vol. 61, no. 1, 2020, pp. 91-103. ISSN: 0011-1619. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Where Else but Reading? Blending Genres in Jasper Fforde’s Nursery Crime Series.” Contemporary fairy-Tale Magic. Subverting Gender and Genre, edited by Lydia Brugué and Auba Llompart, Brill, 2020, pp. 307–316. ISBN: 978-90-04-41899-8.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Ethics in the Anthropocene: Traumatic Exhaustion and Posthuman Regeneration in N. K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth Trilogy.” English Studies, vol. 101, no. 4, 2020, pp. 471-486. ISSN: 0013-838X.

Nadal, Marita. “Transcending Boundaries: Posthuman Transformations in Mid-19th Century US Fiction”. Literatures in English: Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations. Studies in English and Comparative Literature (SECL), edited by Igor Maver, Wolfgang Zach and Astrid Flögel, Stauffenburg Verlag, 2020, pp. 251-261. ISBN: 978-3958095915.


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “Transhumanism, Transmedia and the Serial Podcast: Redefining Storytelling in Times of Enhancement.” IJES, International Journal of English Studies, vol. 19, no. 1, 2019, pp. 113-131. ISSN 1578-7044. (Available here).

Chapman, Ana. “Piecing Together: Body Control, Mutability and Entertainment Technology in Infinite Jest. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 23, 2019. pp. 95-116. ISSN: 2253-8410, 2253-8410.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Of Language and Music.  A Neo-Baroque, Environmental Approach to the Human, Infrahuman and Superhuman in Richard Powers’ Orfeo.” Anglia, vol. 137, no. 1, 2019, pp. 126-146. ISSN: 1865-8938, 0340-5222.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Narrative Exhaustion and The Posthuman Narrative Self In Tao Lin’s Taipei.” Exhaustion and Regeneration in Post-Millenial North-American Literature and Culture, edited by Julia Nikial and Izabella Kimak, Peter Lang, 2019, pp. 59-60 ISBN: 978-3 631-79557-6.

Laguarta Bueno, Carmen. “Trauma and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006).” Nordic Journal of English Studies,  vol. 18, no. 1, 2019, pp. 72-94. ISSN: (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “Two-Legged Wombs: Surrogacy and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 23, 2019, pp. 231-248. ISSN: 1133-309X. (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Anthropocene and Cli-Fiction in Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and MaddAddam.” Traditions and Transitions, edited by E. Slavova, A. Bagasheva, K. Slavova, N. Tincheva, R. Muharska, R. Ishpekova and  Z. Catalan, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2019, pp. 277-289. ISBN: 978-954-07-4956-3. (Available here).

Nadal, Marita. “Southern Gothic: The Monster as Freak in the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor”. Monsters and Monstrosity: from the Canon to the Anti-Canon. Literary and Juridical Subversions, edited by Daniela Carpi and Klaus Stierstorfer, De Gruyter, 2019, pp. 205-218. ISBN: 978-3-11-065219-2. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “Exhaustion and Regeneration in 9/11 Speculative Fiction: Kris Saknussemm’s ‘Beyond The Flags’ (2015).” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 22, 2018, pp. 13-35. ISSN 1133-309-X. (Available here).

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Trauma Paradigm and Commercial Fiction: The Case of Fifty Shades of Grey”. The Politics of Traumatic Literature: Narrating Human Psyche and Memory, edited by Önder Çakırtaş, Antolin Trinidad and Şahin Kızıltaş, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2018, pp. 140-154. ISBN: 978-1-5275-1338-9.

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Girl Meets Boy: Postcyborg Ethics, Individual Identity and Collective Rights in the Posthuman Age”. Journal of English Studies, vol. 16, 2018, pp. 7-25. ISSN: 1576-6357. (Available here).

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “The New Children of the Earth: Posthuman Dystopia or a Lesbian’s Dream in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl”. Orbis Litterarum, vol. 73, 2018, pp. 405-417. ISSN 0105-7510. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “On Human Consciousness and Posthuman Slavery: Representations of the Living Dead in T. S. Eliot, Thomas Pynchon, and William Gibson.” A Critical Gaze from the Old World, edited by Isabel Durán et al., Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 117–135. ISBN: 978-3-0343-3480-8. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Accounting for Feminist Myths. A Critical Posthumanist and Agential Materialist Approach.” Women Poets and Myth in the 20th and 21st centuries, edited by Esther Sánchez-Pardo, Rosa Burillo and María Porras Sánchez, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 199-212. ISBN: 978-1-5275-1672-4.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Agential Materialism and the Problem of Iteration”. Crystals Beneath the Surface, edited by Mauricio Aguilera and Margarita Carreter, Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2018, pp. 81-90. ISBN: 978-84-338-6425-3.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Appropriated Bodies: Trauma, Biopower and the Posthuman in Octavia Butler’s ‘Bloodchild’ and James Tiptree, Jr.’s ‘The Girl Who Was Plugged In.’” Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, vol. 40, no. 2, 2018, pp. 27-44. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Towards a Theoretical Approach to the Literature of Resilience: E. L. Doctorow’s Ragtime as a Case Study.” Orbis Litterarum, vol. 73, no. 2, 2018, pp. 146-169. ISSN: 1600-0730. (Available here).

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Exploring the Shame-Guilt-Violence Nexus in E. L. Doctorow’s Early Fiction.” National and Transnational Challenges to the American Imaginary, edited by Adina Ciugureanu, Eduard Vlad and Nicoleta Stanca, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 191-203. ISBN: 9783631753064.

Laguarta Bueno, Carmen. “Transhumanism in Dave Eggers’ The Circle: Utopia vs. Dystopia, Dream vs. Nightmare.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 22, 2018, pp. 165-188. ISSN: 1133-309-X. (Available here).

Laguarta Bueno, Carmen. “The Plight of Not Belonging: Jean Rhys’s ‘Let Them Call It Jazz’ and ‘The Day They Burned the Books.’” ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies, vol. 39, no. 1, 2018, pp. 157-172. ISSN: 2531-1654. (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Americans: Domesticity and Regendering of Classical Spy Narratives.” Brno Studies in English, vol. 44, 2018, pp. 119-136. ISSN 0524-6881. Online ISSN 1805-0867. (Available here).

Muñoz González, Esther. “The Autobiography of my Mother: Looking at the Past with Old Eyes.” Odisea Revista de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 19, 2018, pp. 25-34. ISSN: 2174-1611. (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Ebony Tower: Mythical Women and Powerful Men.” Verbeia Journal of English Studies, vol. 3, 2018, pp. 90-102. University Camilo José Cela Publicaciones. ISSN: 2444-1333. (Available here).

Muñoz-González, Esther. “Food Symbolism and Traumatic Confinement in ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle.’” Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 26, 2018, pp. 79-93. ISSN: 2386-3935. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Between Althusser and Foucault: Power Relations in James Ellroy’s ‘Underworld USA Trilogy.’” The Big Somewhere: Essays on James Ellroy’s Noir World, edited by Steven Powell, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 91-106. ISBN: 9781501331336.


Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Eating Disorders and Constitutive Absence in Contemporary Women’s Writing.” Journal of International Women’s Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, 2017, pp. 292-305. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “The Imperfections of a Future Past: Trauma, Posthumanity, and Sci-Fi in William Gibson’s ‘The Gernsback Continuum.’” Letterature d’America, vol. 37, 2017, pp. 177-194. ISSN: 2037-6952. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “The Holy Fool’s Revelation: Metafiction, Trauma, and Posthumanity in E.L. Doctorow’s Andrew’s Brain.” Papers on Language and Literature, vol. 53, no. 4, 2017, pp. 383–414. ISSN: 0031-1294.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “‘No Redress but Memory’: Holocaust Representation and Memorialization in E.L. Doctorow’s City of God.” Memory Frictions in Contemporary Literature edited by María Jesús Martínez Alfaro and Silvia Pellicer Ortín, Palgrave MacMillan, 2017, pp. 187-205. ISBN: 978-3319617589.

Muñoz González, Esther. “Lost Children: Hearing the Past in the Silence of an Empty House.” ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies, vol. 38, 2017, pp. 47-63. ISSN: 2531-1646. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Of Monsters and Men: Masculinities in HBO’s Carnivàle.” Oceánide: Journal of the Spanish Society for the Study of Popular Culture, vol. 9, 2017, pp. ISSN: 1989-6328. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “From the Traumatic to the Political: Cultural Trauma, 9/11 and Amy Waldman’s The Submission.” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, 2016, pp. 165-183. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “‘It Was Perfect’: Desire, Corporeality, and Denial in Darren Aronofsky’s The Black Swan”. ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa, vol. 37, 2016, pp. 119-132. ISSN: 0210-9689. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Intratextuality, Trauma and the Posthuman in Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, vol. 57, no. 3, 2016, pp. 229-241. ISSN: 0011-1619. (Author’s postprint available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Rise of the Living Dead in Thomas Pynchon’s Vineland.” JES: Journal of English Studies, vol. 14, 2016, pp. 95–110. ISSN: 1576-6357 (Print), 1695-4300 (Online). DOI: 10.18172/jes.2858

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Horror Mortis, Structural Trauma, and Postmodern Parody in Saul Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King.” Traces of Aging: Old Age and Memory in Contemporary Narrative. Aging Studies Series, vol. IX, edited by Marta Cerezo and Nieves Pascual, Transcript, 2016, pp. 149–167. ISBN 978-3-8376-3439-6. (Available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Approaching the Scientific Method in Literary Studies: On the Notions of Framework and Method (and their Application to Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five).” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, vol. 54, 2016, pp. 33-50. ISSN: 1137-6368. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Divination and Comparison: The Dialogical Tension between Self-Reflective Aesthetics and Sensational Motifs in Edgar Allan Poe’s Dupin Series,” Poetics Today, vol. 37, no. 4, 2016, pp. 641-674. ISSN: 1527-5507.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Repurposing ‘Disreputable Genre Materials’: E.L. Doctorow’s Subversion of Hegemonic Gender Configurations in Welcome to Hard Times.Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 19, 2016, pp. 67-81. ISSN: 1133-309-X. (Available here).

Nadal, Marita. “Trauma and the Uncanny in E. A. Poe’s ‘Ligeia’ and ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’”. The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 17, no. 2, 2016, pp. 178-192. ISSN: 2150-0428. (Available here).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “’He United the States of America:’ Exclusionary Historiography in HBO’s John Adams.” SPIEL: Eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur, vol. 2, 2016, pp. 103-114. ISSN: 0722-7833. (Available here).


Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Historiographic Metafiction, Thermodynamics and the Middle that Was Not Excluded in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of 49.” Metahistorical Narratives and Scientific Metafictions, edited by Giuseppe Episcopo, Cronopio, 2015, pp. 149–166. ISBN: 978-88-98367-09-2. (Available here).

Collado Rodríguez, Francisco. “Meaning Deferral, Jungian Symbolism, and the Quest for V. in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of 49.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, vol. 56, no. 3, 2015, pp. 255–269. ISSN: 0011-1619. (Author’s postprint available here).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco and María Ferrández San Miguel. “The True Voice of the American Fictionist: E. L. Doctorow.” AEDEAN Nexus, no. 2, 2015, pp. 90-101. ISSN: 1697-464. (Available here).

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “The Collusion of Feminist and Postmodernist Impulses in E.L. Doctorow’s Ragtime.Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 23, 2015, pp. 97-114. ISSN: 1133-0392. (Available here).


Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Appetites and Consumption: Designing the Self in Jenefer Shute’s Fiction”. Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 23, no. 4, 2014, pp. 351-361. ISSN: 0958-9236.

Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Branded in his Mind: Trauma, Violence and Memory in E. L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel.Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 13, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1-19.  ISSN: 1654-6970. (Available here).

Nadal, Marita and Mónica Calvo Pascual. “Trauma and Literary Representation: An Introduction.” Trauma in Contemporary Literature: Narrative and Representation, edited by Marita Nadal and Mónica Calvo, Routledge, 2014, pp. 1-13. ISBN: 9870415715874.

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Richard Ford’s Frank Bascombe as an American Everyman.” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, vol. 50, 2014, pp. 49-60. ISSN: 1137-6368. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “‘From Twilight to Fifty Shades of Grey: Fan Fiction, Commercial Culture, and Grassroots Creativity.” The Twilight Saga: Exploring the Global Phenomenon, edited by Claudia Bucciferro, Scarecrow Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-8108-9285-9.

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “From Solid to Liquid: Invisible Monsters and the Blank Fiction Road Story.” Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke, edited by Francisco Collado-Rodríguez, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 117-135. ISBN: 978-1441141941.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Naming Female Multiplicity: An Interview with Bharati Mukherjee.” (Reprt). Short Story Criticism, vol. 173, edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, Gale, Cengage Learning, 2013, pp. 79–84. ISSN: 0895-9439.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Textual Unreliability, Trauma and the Fantastic in Chuck Palahniuk’s Lullaby.” Studies in the Novel, vol. 45, no. 4, 2013, pp. 620–637. ISSN: 0039-3827. (Available here).

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Edgar Allan Poe’s Narrative Use of Literary Doubling.” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2013, pp. 71-82. ISSN: 2039-2117.

Nadal, Marita. “The Shadows of Time: Chronotopic Diversity and Ethical Unreadability in Flannery O’Connor’s Tales.” Papers on Language and Literature, vol. 49, no. 3, 2013, pp. 273-295. ISSN: 0031-1294. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “9/11 and the Psychic Trauma Novel: Don DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, 2012, pp. 68-80. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Switching Affects: Anxious Narratives of Lesbian Representation in Spanish Television” (co-authored with Maite Escudero). Televising Queer Women: A Reader, edited by Rebecca Beirne, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 193-206. ISBN: 9780230600805.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Trauma and Storytelling in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men and The Road.” Papers on Language and Literature, vol. 48, no. 1, 2012, pp. 45–69. ISSN: 0031-1294.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “The Profane Becomes Sacred: Escaping Eclecticism in Doctorow’s City of God.” Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 324, 2012, pp. 15–22. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning. ISSN: 0091-3421. (Originally published in Atlantis 24.2.: 59–70).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Of Self and Country: U.S. Politics, Cultural Hybridity, and Ambivalent Identity in Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex.” Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 312, 2012, pp. 214–22. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning. ISSN: 0091-3421. (Originally published in International Fiction Review 31. 1-2: 71-83).

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Back to Myth and Ethical Compromise: García Márquez’s Traces on Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides.” Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 312 (2012): 205–14. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning. ISSN: 0091-3421. (Originally published in Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, vol. 27, no. 2: 27–40).

Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “’Like Refugees in Their Own Country:’ Racial Formation in Post-Katrina US.” Odisea: Journal of English Studies, vol. 13, 2012, pp. 113-127. ISSN: 1578-3820. (Available here).


Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Depiction of 9/11 in Literature: the Role of Images and Intermedial References.” Radical History Review, vol. 111, 2011, pp. 184-193. ISSN: 0163-6545. here).

Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “‘It’s Really Me’: Intermediality and Constructed Identities in Glamorama.” Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho, Glamorama, and Lunar Park. Continuum Series on Contemporary North American Fiction, edited by Naomi Mandel, Continuum, 2011, pp. 84-97. ISBN: 978-0826435620.

Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Barred from the Sublime: Structural Trauma and Gender Socialization in Jenefer Shute’s Life-Size.” Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature, edited by Dolores Herrero and Sonia Baelo-Allué, Winter, 2011, pp. 55-70. ISBN: 3825358844.

Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Traumatic Techno-Ideology in Contemporary US Fiction and Film: The Limits of the Human in the Posthuman Era.” Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis Linguístics, vol. 16, 2011, pp. 171–186. ISSN: 1135-416X.

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Poe’s Play-Full Narratives. His Use of Dramatic Devices in Short Fiction.” Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 12, no. 2, 2011, pp. 79-100. ISSN:

Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Revisiting Untraded Paths.  Literary Revisions of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Journals.” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, pp. 99-109. ISSN:

Nadal, Marita. “Gothic and Trauma in Shirley Jackson’s ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle'”. Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature, edited by Mª Dolores Herrero and Sonia Baelo, Winter, 2011, pp. 161-174. ISBN: 978-3-8253-5884-6.

Nadal, Marita. “William Golding: a Backward Glance.” AEDEAN Nexus 2, 2011, pp. 99-106.