Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “‘A Geography of the Soul’: The Displaced and the City in the Work of Aleksandar Hemon.” Literature Compass 19.12 (2022). ISSN: 1741-4113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/lic3.12686 (Available here).
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Slavery as National Trauma in Richard Ford’s ‘Everything Could Be Worse’.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 25 (2021): 185-204. ISSN: 1133-309-X. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12795/REN.2021.i25.09 (Available here).
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Where Else but Reading? Blending Genres in Jasper Fforde’s Nursery Crime Series.” Contemporary fairy-Tale Magic. Subverting Gender and Genre. Eds. Lydia Brugué and Auba Llompart. Brill, 2020. 307–316. ISBN: 978-90-04-41899-8.
Ferrández San Miguel, María. Trauma, Gender and Ethics in the Fiction of E.L. Doctorow. Routledge Research in American Literature and Culture Series. New York: Routledge, 2020. ISBN: 978-0367236274.
Laguarta Bueno, Carmen. “Trauma and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006).” Nordic Journal of English Studies 18.1 (2019): 72-94. (Available here)
Nadal, Marita. “Southern Gothic: The Monster as Freak in the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor”. Monsters and Monstrosity: from the Canon to the Anti-Canon. Literary and Juridical Subversions. Eds. Daniela Carpi and Klaus Stierstorfer. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2019. 205-18. ISBN: 978-3-11-065219-2. (Available here).
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “La estética del trauma en la literatura posnacional de Roberto Bolaño y Aleksandar Hemon.” Chile desde los estudios culturales: Miradas actuales sobre poesía, narrativa y cultura visual. Eds. Gustavo Carvajal and Ignacio Aguiló. Santiago de Chile: Finis Terrae, 2019. 101-148. ISBN: 9789563910292.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “Exhaustion and Regeneration in 9/11 Speculative Fiction: Kris Saknussemm’s ‘Beyond The Flags’ (2015).” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, 22 (2018): 13-35. ISSN 1133-309-X. Doi: 10.12795/REN.2018. i22.01. (Available here).
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Trauma Paradigm and Commercial Fiction: The Case of Fifty Shades of Grey”. The Politics of Traumatic Literature: Narrating Human Psyche and Memory. Eds. Önder Çakırtaş, Antolin Trinidad and Şahin Kızıltaş. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2018. 140-154. ISBN: 978-1-5275-1338-9.
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Towards a Theoretical Approach to the Literature of Resilience: E. L. Doctorow’s Ragtime as a Case Study.” Orbis Litterarum 73.2 (2018): 146-169. ISSN: 1600-0730. DOI: 10.1111/oli.12162. (Available here)
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Exploring the Shame-Guilt-Violence Nexus in E. L. Doctorow’s Early Fiction.” National and Transnational Challenges to the American Imaginary. Eds. Adina Ciugureanu, Eduard Vlad and Nicoleta Stanca. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018. 191-203.
Laguarta Bueno, Carmen. “The Plight of Not Belonging: Jean Rhys’s ‘Let Them Call It Jazz’ and ‘The Day They Burned the Books’.” ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies 39.1 (2018): 157-172. E-ISSN 2531-1654. (Available here)
Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Americans: Domesticity and Regendering of Classical Spy Narratives,” Brno Studies in English 44 (2018): 119-136. Masaryk University, Brno. ISSN 0524-6881. Online ISSN 1805-0867. (Available here)
Muñoz González, Esther. “The Autobiography of my Mother: Looking at the Past with Old Eyes.” Odisea Revista de Estudios Ingleses 19 (2018): 25-34. Online ISSN 2174-1611. (Available here)
Muñoz-González, Esther. “The Ebony Tower: Mythical Women and Powerful Men.” Verbeia Journal of English Studies 3 (2018): 90-102. University Camilo José Cela Publicaciones. Online ISSN: 2444-1333. (Available here)
Muñoz-González, Esther. “Food Symbolism and Traumatic Confinement in ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle'”. Complutense Journal of English Studies 26 (2018): 79-93. Complutense University. ISSN 2386-3935. Online ISSN-e 2386-6624. (Available here)
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Between Althusser and Foucault: Power Relations in James Ellroy’s ‘Underworld USA Trilogy’.” The Big Somewhere: Essays on James Ellroy’s Noir World. Ed. Steven Powell. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. 91-106. ISBN: 9781501331336.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Eating Disorders and Constitutive Absence in Contemporary Women’s Writing.” Journal of International Women’s Studies 18.4 (2017): 292-305. (Available here).
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “‘No Redress but Memory’: Holocaust Representation and Memorialization in E.L. Doctorow’s City of God.” Memory Frictions: Conflict, Negotiation, Politics, eds. María Jesús Martínez Alfaro and Silvia Pellicer Ortín. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017. 187-205.
Muñoz González, Esther. “Lost Children: Hearing the Past in the Silence of an Empty House.” ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies 38 (2017): 47-63. ISSN: 2531-1646. (Available here)
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Of Monsters and Men: Masculinities in HBO’s Carnivàle.” Oceánide: Journal of the Spanish Society for the Study of Popular Culture 9 (2017). ISSN: 1989-6328. (Available here).
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “From the Traumatic to the Political: Cultural Trauma, 9/11 and Amy Waldman’s The Submission.” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 38.1 (2016): 165-183. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “‘It Was Perfect’: Desire, Corporeality, and Denial in Darren Aronofsky’s The Black Swan”. ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa 37 (2016): 119-132. ISSN: 0210-9689. (Available here).
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Horror mortis, structural trauma, and postmodern parody in Saul Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King.” In Traces of Aging: Old Age and Memory in Contemporary Narrative. Aging Studies Series, vol. IX. Marta Cerezo & Nieves Pascual, eds. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016. 149–67. ISBN 978-3-8376-3439-6. (Available here)
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Approaching the Scientific Method in Literary Studies: On the notions of Framework and Method (and their application to Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five).” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, vol. 54 (2016): 33-50. ISSN: 1137-6368. (Available here)
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Repurposing ‘Disreputable Genre Materials’: E.L. Doctorow’s Subversion of Hegemonic Gender Configurations in Welcome to Hard Times.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 19 (2016): 67-81. ISSN: 1133-309-X. (Available here)
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Divination and Comparison: The Dialogical Tension between Self-Reflective Aesthetics and Sensational Motifs in Edgar Allan Poe’s Dupin Series,” Poetics Today 37.4 (2016): 641-74.
Nadal, Marita. “Trauma and the Uncanny in E. A. Poe’s ‘Ligeia’ and ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’”. The Edgar Allan Poe Review 17.2 (2016): 178-192. ISSN: 2150-0428. (Available here).
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “’He United the States of America:’ Exclusionary Historiography in HBO’s John Adams.” SPIEL: Eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur 2 (2016): 103-114. ISSN: 0722-7833. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3726/spiel.2016.02.07 (Available here).
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Historiographic Metafiction, Thermodynamics and the middle that was not excluded in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of 49.” In Metahistorical Narratives and Scientific Metafictions. Giuseppe Episcopo, ed. Napoli: Cronopio, 2015. 149–66. ISBN: 978-88-98367-09-2. (Available here)
Collado Rodríguez, Francisco. “Meaning Deferral, Jungian Symbolism, and the Quest for V. in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of 49.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, vol. 56.3 (2015): 255–69. ISSN: 0011-1619. (Author’s postprint available here)
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco and María Ferrández San Miguel. “The True Voice of the American Fictionist: E. L. Doctorow.” AEDEAN Nexus 2 (2015): 90-101. ISSN: 1697-464. (Available here)
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “The Collusion of Feminist and Postmodernist Impulses in E.L. Doctorow’s Ragtime.” Complutense Journal of English Studies (CJES) 23 (2015): 97-114. ISSN: 1133-0392. (Available here)
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Appetites and Consumption: Designing the Self in Jenefer Shute’s Fiction”. Journal of Gender Studies 23.4 (2014): 351-361. ISSN: 0958-9236.
Ferrández San Miguel, María. “Branded in his Mind: Trauma, Violence and Memory in E. L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel.” Nordic Journal of English Studies 13.4 (2014): 1-19. ISSN: 1654-6970. (Available here)
Nadal, Marita and Mónica Calvo Pascual. “Trauma and Literary Representation: An Introduction.” Trauma in Contemporary Literature: Narrative and Representation. Eds. M. Nadal and M. Calvo. London and New York: Routledge, 2014. 1-13. ISBN: 9870415715874.
Nadal, Marita and Mónica Calvo, eds. Trauma in Contemporary Literature: Narrative and Representation. London and New York: Routledge, 2014. ISBN: 9870415715874.
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “Richard Ford’s Frank Bascombe as an American Everyman.” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 50 (2014): 49-60. ISSN: 1137-6368. (Available here).
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. Learning To Be American: Richard Ford’s Frank Bascombe Trilogy and the Construction of a National Identity. Biblioteca Javier Coy d’estudis nord-americans. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-370-9448-9.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “‘From Twilight to Fifty Shades of Grey: Fan Fiction, Commercial Culture, and Grassroots Creativity.” The Twilight Saga: Exploring the Global Phenomenon. Ed. Claudia Bucciferro. Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth: Scarecrow Press. 2013. ISBN: 978-0-8108-9285-9.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “From Solid to Liquid: Invisible Monsters and the Blank Fiction Road Story.” Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke. Ed. Francisco Collado-Rodríguez. London and New York: Bloomsbury. 117-135. 2013. ISBN: 978-1441141941.
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco, ed. Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke. Bloomsbury Studies in Contemporary North American Fiction. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN: 9781441141941.
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Naming Female Multiplicity: An Interview with Bharati Mukherjee.” (Reprt). Short Story Criticism. Vol. 173. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2013. 79–84. ISSN: 0895-9439.
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco. “Textual Unreliability, Trauma and the Fantastic in Chuck Palahniuk’s Lullaby.” Studies in the Novel, vol. 45.4 (Winter 2013): 620–37. ISSN: 0039-3827. (Available here)
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Edgar Allan Poe’s Narrative Use of Literary Doubling,” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4.1 (2013): 71-82.
Nadal, Marita. “The Shadows of Time: Chronotopic Diversity and Ethical Unreadability in Flannery O’Connor’s Tales.” Papers on Language and Literature 49.3 (2013): 273-295. ISSN: 0031-1294. (Available here).
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “9/11 and the Psychic Trauma Novel: Don DeLillo’s Falling Man.” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 34.1 (2012): 68-80. ISSN: 0210-6124. (Available here).
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Switching Affects: Anxious Narratives of Lesbian Representation in Spanish Television” (co-authored with Maite Escudero). Televising Queer Women: A Reader. Ed. Rebecca Beirne. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 193-206. ISBN: 9780230600805.
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “’Like Refugees in Their Own Country:’ Racial Formation in Post-Katrina US.” Odisea: Journal of English Studies 13 (2012): 113-127. ISSN: 1578-3820. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25115/odisea.v0i13.233 (Available here).
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. Bret Easton Ellis’s Controversial Fiction: Writing Between High and Low Culture. London and New York: Continuum, 2011. ISBN: 978-1441107916.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “The Depiction of 9/11 in Literature: the Role of Images and Intermedial References.” Radical History Review, 111. Historicizing 9/11 Issue. (Fall, 2011): 184-193. ISSN: 0163-6545. (Available here)
Baelo-Allué, Sonia and Mª Dolores Herrero, eds. The Splintered Glass: Facets of Trauma in the Post-Colony and Beyond. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. ISBN : 978-9042033887.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia. “‘It’s Really Me’: Intermediality and Constructed Identities in Glamorama.” Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho, Glamorama, and Lunar Park. Continuum Series on Contemporary North American Fiction. Ed. Naomi Mandel. London and New York: Continuum. 84-97. 2011. ISBN: 978-0826435620.
Baelo-Allué, Sonia and Mª Dolores Herrero, eds. Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2011. ISBN : 978-3825358846.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Barred from the Sublime: Structural Trauma and Gender Socialization in Jenefer Shute’s Life-Size.” Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature. Eds. Dolores Herrero and Sonia Baelo-Allué. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 55-70. ISBN: 3825358844.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. Chaos and Madness: The Politics of Fiction in Stephen Marlowe’s Historical Narratives. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011. ISBN: 9789042033016.
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Poe’s Play-Full Narratives. His Use of Dramatic Devices in Short Fiction,” Edgar Allan Poe Review 12.2 (2011): 79-100.
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Revisiting Untraded Paths. Literary Revisions of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Journals,” Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 3.1 (2011): 99-109.
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Estudio Comparativo del Uso del Doble Literario en las obras de Umberto Eco y E. A. Poe.” Volumen Homenaje a Juan Antonio Díaz e Ian McCandless. Granada: Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, 2011. 27-37.
Fernández-Santiago, Miriam. “Warped Discourses: The Logic of Absence in Democratic Discourse” Homenaje a Maria Luisa Dañobeitia. Granada: Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, 2011. 219-228.
Nadal, Marita. “Gothic and Trauma in Shirley Jackson’s ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle'”. Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British and American Literature. Eds. Mª Dolores Herrero and Sonia Baelo. Heildelberg: C. Winter Verlag, 2011: 161-174. ISBN: 978-3-8253-5884-6.
Nadal, Marita. “William Golding: a Backward Glance.” AEDEAN Nexus 2 (2011): 99-106.
Peinado-Abarrio, Rubén. “La narrativa minimalista de Luisa Castro.” Corrientes: Nordic Journal of Ibero-American Studies 1 (2011): 92-111. ISSN: 0804-7383.
Nadal, Marita. “Prosopopoeia and Allegorical Translucency in Poe’s Fiction.” Edgar Allan Poe: Doscientos Años Después (1809 – 2009). Eds. Beatriz González Moreno and Margarita Rigal Aragón. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, 2010: 31-40.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “We Are Family? Spanish Law and Lesbian Normalization in Hospital Central” (co-authored with Maite Escudero). Journal of Lesbian Studies 13.1 (2009): 35-48. (Philadelphia: Routledge Taylor and Francis.) ISSN: 1089-4160, 1540-3548.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “Scientific Discourses and Post-Modernist Parody in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49.” Parnassus: An Innovative Journal of Literary Criticism 1 (2009): 69-82. (Rae Bareli: Feroze Gandhi Collage). ISSN: 0975-0266.
Calvo Pascual, Mónica. “The Order/Disorder Binary in Stephen Marlowe’s Fiction: From Neurotic Subjects to Narrative Chaos.” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 13 (2009): 49-62. ISSN: 1133-309X.
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco and Celia M. Wallhead, eds. V. Is for Varo Too: Exploring Pynchon’s Hispanic (and Other) Global Connections. Special issue of Pynchon Notes, vol. 56–57 (2009). ISSN 0278-1891.
Nadal, Marita. “Temporality and Narrative Structure in Flannery O’Connor’s Tales.” Atlantis 31.1 (2009): 23-39. ISSN: 0210-6124.
Nadal, Marita. “‘The Fall of the House of Usher’: A Master Text for (Poe’s) American Gothic.” Journal of English Studies 7 (2009): 55-70. ISSN: 1576-6357. (Available here).
Collado-Rodríguez, Francisco, Nieves Pascual and Laura Alonso Gallo, eds. Masculinities, Femininities and the Power of the Hybrid in U.S. Narratives: Essays on Gender Borders. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. 2007. 283 pp. ISBN: 978-3-8253-5250-9.